
RCS Business Messaging or SMS: What Performs Better?

Tim McLain Season 2 Episode 3

By now, almost everyone knows Rich Communication Services (RCS) business campaigns are coming soon, and the buzz is that it will be Faaabulous, with all sorts of new features and functions, and…whoa—slow down!

Yes, RCS is all that (you can literally power an app experience in messaging) and *might* even be the biggest update to communications since SMS and VoIP, but there are still some management issues and other kinks to work out.

More than that, though, RCS in a perfect world still won’t replace SMS or MMS. Wondering where RCS will fit into your communications arsenal? 

Join nativeMsg Co-founder and President Michael Lamb plus Commio Marketing Director Tim McLain as they compare the various types of text messaging, including:

  • Messaging features and capabilities (hint: not everything requires an app or even an image)
  • Delivery systems—carriers, providers, and phones, oh my!
  • Usage scenarios: which version to use when and where (location, location, location)
  • TCPA and the approval processes
  • What about OTT apps like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger?

There are lots of great minds working out those RCA kinks; it will be here before you know it. Will you be ready?

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